
Young Coconut Cake

Bahan :
6 egg yolks
100g (3/4 cup) sugar
1/2 teaspon vanilla essence
50g (scant 1/2 cup) flour
100ml (scant 1/2 cup) condensed milk
125 ml (1/2 cup) warm water
4 young green coconuts

Meringue Topping
6 egg whites
1 tablespoon sugar
Pinch of salt
75 g (2/3 cup) raisins

Cara membuat :
1. Beat egg yolks, sugar and vanilla together until sugar has disolved and mixture is light coloured and foamy.
2. Combine, stirring to mix well. Put flour in a saucepan and gradually stir in the condensed milk and water.
3. Scarep out the soft pulp fromt he coconuts and add to the milk mixture. Stir in the beaten egg yolks. Cook over low-medium heat, stirring for 5 minutes until the mixture thickens. Transfer mixture to heat-proof dish.
4. Make meringue topping by beating egg whites, sugar and salt together until the mixture is stiff. Spread over the cake and scatter the raisins on top. Bake at 200C (400C) until the meringue has turned golden brown, about 15 minutes.
Serve hot or at room temperature.

Serve : 4 to 6

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